Hispanic American Mental Health Disparities Report

In this Guide...

Using federal data from the U.S. Census Bureau, we found 3.8 million Hispanic Americans aren't getting the mental health care services they need. Our report explores the issue, including expert public health analysis and local Spanish-language resources to help serve Latino Americans.

Hispanic family at cookout
Key Findings


  • Louisiana, Idaho, Wisconsin, Iowa and Missouri have the highest percentages of Hispanic people who say they didn’t get mental health counseling or therapy services when they needed them.

  • Hispanic Americans in 28 states report higher rates of unmet mental health needs than Whites, despite similar rates of reported depression symptoms.

  • Almost 1 in 10 Hispanic Americans nationwide (9.3%) lack health insurance (5.6 million people in all). 

Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey, HelpAdvisor.com identified the states with the biggest disparities between White and Hispanic adults for unmet mental health needs.

According to our findings, 3.8 million Hispanic Americans say they don't get the mental health counseling and treatment they need.

Hispanic Americans are particularly vulnerable to challenges in receiving mental health care services they need. Language barriers, cultural differences and a lack of available resources are just some of the reasons why this demographic may experience an increased rate of undiagnosed or untreated mental illness. 

Nearly half of all individuals with a mental health issue are left untreated. And an untreated mental illness can have damaging effects on relationships, school and work, physical health, other mental illnesses, substance abuse and overall social well-being.  

The map below displays where the greatest disparities exist between Hispanics and Whites reporting unmet needs for mental health counseling, which means they needed mental health counseling or therapy but weren’t able to get help.

Map showing states with highest disparities of unmet mental health needs for hispanic and white residents

As illustrated by the map, a pocket exists in the Midwest, between Nebraska to the west, Kentucky to the east, Tennessee to the south and Wisconsin to the north, where a much higher number of Hispanic Americans are reporting unmet mental health needs compared to Whites.   

Louisiana reported the highest gap between the numbers of Hispanics and Whites who report unmet mental health needs, but the state is surrounded on all borders with states of low to medium reported levels of such differences.

Dr. Carlos Garcia, Licensed Clinical Psychologist –

“The majority of mental health professionals do not speak Spanish, nor have they been sufficiently educated in Hispanic culture. This often results in miscommunication and misinterpretations."

Mental Health Care Inequality

17.4% of Hispanics in Louisiana report having unmet mental health needs, which is significantly higher than that of the state  with the next highest rate (Idaho, at 12.4%).

Table showing states with highest rates of unmet mental health needs among Hispanics

The states with low Hispanic per-capita populations tend to be the states with the highest disparities between White Americans and Hispanic Americans who don’t get the therapy and counseling they need. For example, none of the nine states with the highest per capita populations of Hispanics ranked among the top 10 in terms of unmet mental health needs.    

One reason for such challenges could be that states with higher percentages of Hispanics may have more resources available to Spanish speaking residents. Dr. Carlos Garcia, a licensed clinical psychologist in Tampa, FL, suggests that a disparity in the number of Hispanic therapists and counselors may discourage individuals of the same background from seeking help. 

“The American Psychological Association found that only one percent of psychologists identified themselves as Hispanic even though Hispanics represent 20 percent of the U.S. population as a whole,” Dr. Garcia said. “The majority of mental health professionals do not speak Spanish, nor have they been sufficiently educated in Hispanic/Latinx culture. This often results in miscommunication and misinterpretations that can be very frustrating to the Hispanic/Latinx client.”

Hispanic culture could also be playing a part, as Dr. Garcia notes that Hispanic individuals are more likely to turn to family, friends, members of the clergy or a local healer during times of depression or anxiety. 

“American models of therapy value individuality and independence while Hispanic/Latinx culture values family unity, loyalty to family and friends and one’s role in the community,” he said.

And because mental health issues are not discussed as frequently in Hispanic culture, individuals may be less likely to recognize the signs and symptoms. 

“There is very little education and even misinformation about mental health for this population,” Dr. Garcia said. 

Uninsured Hispanic Americans Missing Out on Care

Minority groups are more likely than White Americans to be uninsured, which may discourage them from seeking professional mental health services when they need them.  

The chart below shows which states have the highest percentage of uninsured Hispanics. Of the top six states on this list, four are among the states with the highest disparities of unmet mental health needs between Hispanics and Whites.  

Table showing states with highest rates of uninsured Hispanic residents

Fortunately, there are resources available to uninsured Hispanics in need of mental health care. And many of those resources provide services that are free or are affordably priced on a sliding scale.

“Sliding scale services accommodate individuals of low-income households with session fees that are affordable, and in some instances, pro bono services,” Dr. Garcia said. “Many psychologists and counselors I know maintain one to two spots in their caseload for pro-bono services. Similarly, there are many counselors that focus on providing services for uninsured and underinsured individuals.”


The data used in this project comes from the U.S. Census Household Pulse Survey. The week used for analysis was Week 25, which spans February 17th through March 1st.

To understand the disparity between Hispanic Americans and the non-minority population, we compared the percentage of each demographic that answered “Yes” to needing professional mental health services but not receiving it for any reason. We also compared the total number of Hispanic Americans that selected “Yes” to this question to the total Hispanic American population in each state. The population data came from the 2019 U.S. Census.

We also compared the total number of respondents who cited not having health insurance to the total population of Hispanic Americans in each state.

National Latino Health Resources

The resources below are designed to benefit Hispanic Americans in need of mental health services. As April is National Hispanic Health Month and July is Minority Mental Health Month, we encourage everyone to reach out for help for yourself or a loved one.

General Mental Health

National Institute on Mental Health

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is the largest scientific organization in the world dedicated to research focused on the understanding, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders and the promotion of mental health.

Phone: (866) 615-6464

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National Alliance on Mental Health

Resources on a wide range of health topics selected from approximately 1,400 government and non-profit organizations to bring you the best, most reliable health information on the Internet.

Phone: (800) 950-NAMI

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MentalHealth.gov provides one-stop access to U.S. government mental health and mental health problems information.

Phone: (877) 696-6775

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National Latino Behavioral Health Association

The NLBHA focuses on influencing national behavioral health policy, eliminating disparities in funding and access to services and improving the quality of services and treatment outcomes for Latino populations.

Phone: (505) 980-5156

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BetterHelp.com helps make professional counseling accessible, affordable, convenient - so anyone who struggles with life’s challenges can get help, anytime, anywhere.

Phone: (888) 688-9296

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Latinx Therapy

Latinxtherapy.com connects the Latino community with culturally responsive therapists and speakers.

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National Council on Aging

The NCOA delivers the resources, tools, best practices, and advocacy our nation needs to ensure that every person can age with health and financial security. 

Phone: (571) 527-3900

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Suicide and Self-Harm

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones and best practices for professionals.

Phone: (800) 273-8255

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SAVE was one of the nation’s first organizations dedicated to the prevention of suicide. We provide suicide attempt survivor resources, depression screenings, grief support and more.

Phone: (800) 273-8255

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Crisistextline.org - Self-Harm Crisis Line

There are millions of people struggling all over the world. And we want to help all of them. Everyone deserves free, 24/7, mental health support at their fingertips.

Phone: Text HOME to 741741

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Afsp.org - Family of Suicide Victims

Established in 1987, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is a voluntary health organization that gives those affected by suicide a nationwide community empowered by research, education and advocacy to take action against this leading cause of death.

Phone: Text TALK to 741741

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Trans Lifeline is a grassroots hotline and microgrants 501(c)(3) non-profit organization offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis – for the trans community, by the trans community.

Phone: (877) 565-8860

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Children’s Physical and Mental Health

CDC.gov Anxiety and Depression in Children

Learn more about mental health, mental disorders, treatments, prevention, and public health research on children’s mental health.

Phone: (800) 232-4636

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USDA.gov Find Meals for Kids When Schools Are Closed

Due to COVID-19 and the need for social distancing, USDA was able to make temporary changes so that meals may be taken home, and parents or guardians may pick meals for their children if the state allows. Families can use this tool to find directions to nearby sites as well as hours of operation and contact information.

Phone: (866) 348-6479

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Kidshealth.org is a part of a nonprofit children’s health system. We aim to give you the tools to make the best health choices for you and your kids.

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Developmental Disabilities in Children

When a child lags far behind, fails to reach a developmental milestone, or loses a previously acquired skill, it may be time to evaluate if a mental or physical problem exists that could be considered a developmental disability. The resources on this site will help examine those possibilities.

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Understood is a non-profit dedicated to serving the millions of families of kids who learn and think differently.

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Autism Speaks

Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the lifespan, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families.

Phone: (888) 288-4762

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Nutrition.gov Weight Management for Youth

Understand how to address weight issues in children and teens with healthy guidelines, links to interactive and skill-building tools, and more.

Phone: (301) 504-5414

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StopBullying.gov provides information from various government agencies on what bullying is, what cyberbullying is, who is at risk, and how you can prevent and respond to bullying.

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Sesame Street In Communities

A health emergency brings many changes and much uncertainty for young children and their families, but there are things we can do to face each day with optimism and hope. The resources on this page can help families cope during challenging times.

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College Students’ Physical and Mental Health


ULifeline is an anonymous, confidential, online resource center, where college students can be comfortable searching for the information they need and want regarding emotional health.

Phone: (800) 273-8255

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Learn Psychology provides resources to help students understand different psychological conditions, including addiction in college. While the resources provided can be great for gathering information, students in crisis should consult with a psychologist or call the helpline if in need of immediate support.

Phone: (800) 662-4357

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Coalition for Immigrant Mental Health Resources for Undocumented Students

The Coalition for Immigrant Mental Health (CIMH) is a collaborative community based and research informed initiative that is a partnership between immigrants regardless of status, mental health practitioners, community organizers, researchers, and allies.

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Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

SAMHSA's mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities.

Phone: (877) SAMHSA-7

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National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Our mission is to advance science on the causes and consequences of drug use and addiction and to apply that knowledge to improve individual and public health.

Phone: (301) 443-1124

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Our mission at Recovery.org is to connect people and their families with the information and resources to help them recover from substance abuse and behavioral disorders.

Phone: (888) 775-8406

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Smoke Free

Smokefree.gov is an initiative from the National Cancer Institute to help you or someone you care about quit smoking.

Phone: (800) QUIT-NOW

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Helping Young Smokers Quit (HYSQ)

HYSQ initiative was a multi-phase project designed to address the critical need to disseminate effective, developmentally appropriate cessation programs for adolescent smokers.

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North American Quitline Consortium (NAQC)

NAQC is an international, non-profit membership organization that seeks to promote evidence-based quitline services across diverse communities in North America.

Phone: (800) 398-5489

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Immigration Stress and Health

InformedImmigrant.com Mental Health Guide

InformedImmigrant.com is both a digital hub and offline network offering the most up-to-date and accessible information and guidance for the undocumented immigrant community.

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My Undocumented Life

At My Undocumented Life blog, we seek to provide resources for undocumented immigrants, not just in regards to educational opportunities and immigration news, but also our health!

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CHCFINC.org Immigrant Resource Guide

The Committee for Hispanic Children and Families envisions a future where Latino children, youth, and families have equitable access to opportunities to succeed, are empowered to realize their full potential, and are affirmed in their culture. We have put together this immigration resource guide to respond to a noticeable shift in our communities. 

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Obesity and Eating Disorders

National Eating Disorders Association

NEDA supports individuals and families affected by eating disorders, and serves as a catalyst for prevention, cures and access to quality care.

Phone: (800) 931-2237

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MiDieta.com - Nutrition for Latinos

Midieta specializes in meal plans intended to help Hispanics lose weight.

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American Obesity Society

Through TOS's unique position, they lead the charge in advancing the science-based understanding of the causes, consequences, prevention and treatment of obesity.

Phone: (301) 563-6526

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Domestic Violence

National Resource Center on Domestic Violence

For more than 20 years, the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) has been a comprehensive source of information for those wanting to educate themselves and help others on the many issues related to domestic violence.

Phone: (800) 799-7233

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We are Latinas serving Latinas, reminding our survivors of their strength, courage, and value.

Phone: (303) 433-4470

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Encuentro Latino (National Institute on Family Violence)

Encuentro Latino is an online clearinghouse for research, training materials, handouts and other resources on domestic violence in Latin America and in Latino/Hispanic immigrant communities in the U.S.

Phone: (800) 799-7233

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Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN)

The National Sexual Assault Hotline was the nation's first decentralized hotline, connecting those in need with help in their local communities. It's made up of a network of independent sexual assault service providers, vetted by RAINN, who answer calls to a single, nationwide hotline number.

Phone: 1-(800) 656-4673

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National Domestic Violence Hotline

We answer the call to support and shift power back to people affected by relationship abuse.

Phone: 1-(800) 799-7233

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Women's Health

Moms and Mental Health

Depression and anxiety can happen during pregnancy or after birth. Learn the signs and how to get help.

Phone: (301) 435-3458

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Good mental health is essential to overall well-being. Many mental health conditions, such as depression and bipolar disorder, affect more women than men or affect women in different ways from men. Learn more about them in the guide below.

Phone: (800) 994-9662

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Menstrual Cycle Health

Find important information on common menstrual cycle questions and concerns.

Phone: (800) 994-9662

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Common STIs in Women

More than 9 million women in the United States are diagnosed with an STI each year. Women often have more serious health problems from STIs than men, including infertility. Learn more about common STIs with the following guide from Womenshealth.gov.

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Resources By State
Created with Raphaël 2.1.4VTNHMARICTNJDEMDDC

NAMI Alabama

The mission statement/purpose of NAMI Alabama is to provide support, education and advocacy for persons with mental illnesses, their families and others whose lives are affected by these brain disorders.

Phone: (334) 396-4797

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Alabama Division of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Services

Promoting the health and well-being of Alabamians with mental illnesses, developmental disabilities and substance use disorders.

Phone: (334) 242-3962

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Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ACADV)

The ACADV is a network of community-based programs that provide support and advocacy to survivors of domestic violence and their children.

Phone: (800) 650-6522

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Alabama Public Health

The mission of the Alabama Department of Public Health is to promote, protect and improve the health of individuals and communities of Alabama.

Phone: (334) 206-5300

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Alabama Division of Insurance

Our mission is to serve the people of Alabama by regulating the insurance industry, providing consumer protection, promoting market stability and enforcing fire safety standards and laws.

Phone: (334) 269-3550

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NAMI Alaska

NAMI Alaska is the state-wide umbrella organization for Alaska's four regional National Alliance on Mental Illness affiliates.

Phone: 1-(907) 272-0227

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Alaska Department of Health & Social Services

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) is sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Phone: 1-(907) 269-5948

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Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

The Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault promotes and sustains a collective movement to end violence and oppression through social change.

Phone: 1-(907) 586-3650

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Division of Public Health Section of Women's, Children's and Family Health

The Mission of Women's, Children's and Family Health is to promote optimum health outcomes for all Alaskan women, children, teens and their families.

Phone: 1-(800) 799-7570

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Alaska Commission on Aging

The mission of the Alaska Commission on Aging is to ensure the dignity and independence of all older Alaskans, and to assist them in leading useful and meaningful lives through planning, advocacy, education and interagency cooperation.

Phone: 1-(907) 465-3347

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Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program

The Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program improves access to and availability of affordable, healthy foods.

Phone: 1-(907) 269-8447

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Alaska Division of Insurance

The Alaska Division of Insurance is a regulatory agency headed by the Director of Insurance. Our most important function is consumer protection, which includes oversight of the financial conditions of insurers.

Phone: 1-(907) 465-2515

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NAMI Arizona

NAMI Arizona is dedicated to serving individuals and families affected by mental illness to improve their quality of life and achieve recovery.

Phone: 1-(602) 244-8166

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Substance Abuse Arizona (Office of the AZ Governor)

The Arizona Substance Abuse Partnership (ASAP) is authorized under Executive Order 2013-05 to serve as the single statewide council on substance abuse prevention, enforcement, treatment and recovery efforts.

Phone: 1-(602) 542-4043

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Arizona Coalition to End Sexual & Domestic Violence

The goal of the Arizona CESDV is to increase public awareness about the issues of sexual and domestic violence, enhance the safety of and services for sexual and domestic violence victims and survivors and end sexual and domestic violence in Arizona communities.

Phone: 1-(602) 279-2900

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Arizona Department of Health Services

The Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity works to reduce hunger, increase breastfeeding, and decrease obesity throughout Arizona.

Phone: 1-(602) 542-1886

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Arizona Department of Insurance

Our mission is to promote a strong insurance marketplace through consumer protection, sound financial regulation, and economic development.

Phone: 1-(800) 325-2548

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NAMI Arkansas

NAMI Arkansas operates a statewide organization providing and coordinating a network of local support groups providing support, education, and advocacy throughout the state.

Phone: 1-(501) 661-1548

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Division of Behavioral Health Services

The Division of Behavioral Health Services is responsible for ensuring the provision of public behavioral health services, including mental health and substance abuse prevention, treatment and recovery services.

Phone: 1-(501) 686-9164

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Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ACADV)

The Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ACADV) is a nonprofit organization that has served both rural and urban areas of Arkansas since its inception in 1981.

Phone: 1-(501) 907-5612

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Arkansas Department of Health

The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) provides guidance, support and expertise to the Arkansas Coalition for Obesity Prevention.

Phone: 1-(501) 661-2000

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Arkansas Insurance Department

The primary mission of the department shall be consumer protection through insurer solvency and market conduct regulation, and fraud prosecution and deterrence.

Phone: 1-(800) 282-9134

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Arkansas Coalition for Obesity Prevention

ArCOP's mission is to improve the health of all Arkansas communities by increasing physical activity and healthy eating to reduce and prevent obesity.

Phone: 1-(501) 712-2002

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California Partnership to End Domestic Violence

As an advocate for social change, we advance our mission by shaping public policy, increasing community awareness, and strengthening our members' capacity to work toward our common goal of advancing the safety and healing of victims, survivors and their families.

Phone: 1-(914) 444-7163

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California Department of Aging

The California Department of Aging (CDA) administers programs that serve older adults, adults with disabilities, family caregivers and residents in long-term care facilities throughout the State.

Phone: 1-(916) 419-7500

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California Department of Insurance

Consumers, insurance companies and licensees rely on CDI to ensure that insurance products and services are available to consumers in a timely manner, and that they deliver fair and equal benefits.

Phone: 1-(800) 927-4357

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NAMI Colorado

Our focus is to connect, educate, and support the mental health issues and needs of today. NAMI Colorado has 15 local affiliate organizations across the state.

Phone: 1-(303) 321-3104

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Office of Behavioral Health

The OBH purchases services to prevent and treat mental health and substance use disorders through contracts with behavioral health providers.

Phone: 1-(303) 866-5700

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Violence Free Colorado

Violence Free Colorado works in partnership with communities throughout Colorado to increase Coloradans' awareness and understanding of domestic violence.

Phone: 1-(303) 831-9632

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Colorado Department of Human Services

Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) connects you to assistance, resources and support for living independently in our state.

Phone: 1-(303) 866-5700

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Colorado Division of Insurance

We help consumers by answering their questions, investigating their complaints, and helping them to understand their insurance. We regulate and monitor the insurance companies in Colorado, as well as insurance agents, making sure everyone is following the law.

Phone: 1-(800) 930-3745

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NAMI Connecticut

NAMI Connecticut provides support, education, and advocacy to all Connecticut citizens affected by mental illness.

Phone: 1-(860) 882-0236

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Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

DMHAS is the state's lead agency for the prevention and treatment of alcohol and other substance abuse.

Phone: 1-(860) 418-6962

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Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence

We are a membership organization of Connecticut's 18 domestic violence service agencies that provide critical support to victims including counseling, support groups, emergency shelter, court advocacy, safety planning and lethality assessment, among other services.

Phone: 1-(888) 774-2900

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Nutrition, Physical Activity & Obesity Prevention Program

The Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Program is committed to supporting education and public health policies, system's and environmental change strategies aimed at reducing obesity.

Phone: 1-(860) 509-8251

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Connecticut Insurance Department

Keeping the public well informed is essential to our mission of protecting consumers.

Phone: 1-(800) 203-3447

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NAMI Delaware

NAMI Delaware is a statewide organization of families, mental health consumers, friends, and professionals dedicated to improving the quality of life for those affected by life-changing brain diseases such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depression.

Phone: 1-(302) 427-0787

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Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health

DSAMH provides public drug and alcohol treatment services for adults, primarily through contracts with private agencies.

Phone: 1-(302) 255-9399

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Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence (DCADV)

To promote conditions that prevent and eliminate domestic violence by educating its members and community partners, providing informational resources to the community and advocating as a strong, unified voice for victims/survivors of domestic violence, children who are affected, domestic violence programs and victim service providers.

Phone: 1-(302) 658-2958

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Healthy Delaware

Healthy Delaware promotes a healthy lifestyle for people in Delaware.

Phone: 1-(800) 222-2189

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Delaware Department of Insurance

Protecting Delawareans through regulation and education while providing oversight of the insurance industry to best serve the public.

Phone: 1-(800) 282-8611

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NAMI Florida

NAMI Florida works with state and federal agencies and elected officials to promote recovery and improved treatment for individuals who have a mental illness and their families.

Phone: 1-(850) 671-4445

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Substance Abuse and Mental Health Program

The SAMH Program is responsible for the oversight of a statewide system of care for the prevention, treatment and recovery of children and adults with serious mental illnesses or substance abuse disorders.

Phone: 1-(866) 762-2237

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Florida Counseling Centers

We conduct individual, couples, family and group counseling with individuals from all walks of life and have a multidisciplinary staff that has specialized training in treating children, adolescents and adults.

Phone: 1-(321) 259-1662

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Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The mission of the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence is to work towards ending violence through public awareness, policy development and support for Florida's domestic violence centers.

Phone: 1-(850) 425-2749

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Healthiest Weight Florida

Healthiest Weight Florida is a public-private collaboration bringing together state agencies, not for profit organizations, businesses and entire communities to help Florida's children and adults make consistent, informed choices about healthy eating and active living.

Phone: 1-(850) 245-4444

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Florida Office of Insurance Regulation

The Office serves Floridians through its responsibilities for regulation, compliance and enforcement of statutes related to the business of insurance.

Phone: 1-(850) 413-3140

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NAMI Georgia

The mission of NAMI Georgia is to empower affiliates to create communities where all affected by mental illnesses find hope, help and acceptance through support, education and advocacy.

Phone: 1-(770) 234-0855

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Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities

The Georgia DBHDD provides treatment and support services to people with mental health challenges and substance use disorders

Phone: 1-(800) 715-4225

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Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence

We empower survivors and the programs that serve them, we educate the public, and we advocate for responsive public policy. Our strength is in numbers, as we collaborate throughout Georgia to stop domestic violence.

Phone: 1-(800) 334-2836

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Georgia Community Care Services Program

The Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) Division of Aging Services (DAS) supports the larger goals of DHS by assisting older individuals, at-risk adults, persons with disabilities, their families and caregivers to achieve safe, healthy, independent and self-reliant lives.

Phone: 1-(404) 657-5258

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Georgia Department of Public Health

The Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) is the lead agency in preventing disease, injury and disability; promoting health and well-being; and preparing for and responding to disasters from a health perspective.

Phone: 1-(404) 657-2700

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Georgia Office of Insurance

Our vision is to have a well-trained workforce, utilizing state of the art technology to facilitate regulation, coordination and uniformity among state regulators and provide public access to services and fire safety information that results in a consumer friendly and competitive market place.

Phone: 1-(800) 656-2298

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NAMI Hawaii State

We provide support, education and advocacy for all people affected by mental illnesses.

Phone: 1-(808) 591-1297

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Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division

ADAD's treatment efforts are designed to promote a statewide culturally appropriate, comprehensive system of services to meet the treatment and recovery needs of individuals and families.

Phone: 1-(808) 692-7506

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Hawaii State Coalition Against Domestic Violence

HSCADV engages communities and organizations to end domestic violence through education, advocacy and action for social justice.

Phone: 1-(808) 832-9316

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Healthy Hawaii Initiative

HHI focuses on population-wide policy, systems and environmental changes to increase opportunities for physical activity and access to nutritious foods in Hawaii.

Phone: 1-(808) 586-4400

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Hawaii Insurance Division

The Insurance Division is responsible for overseeing the insurance industry in the State of Hawaii, which includes insurance companies, insurance agents, self-insurers and captives.

Phone: 1-(808) 586-2790

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NAMI Idaho

NAMI Idaho's mission is to improve the quality of life for all those affected by mental illness through support, education, advocacy and research.

Phone: 1-(800) 950-6264

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Substance Use Disorder Services Program

The Division of Behavioral Health's Substance Use Disorder Services Program can provide assistance if you need help with a drug or alcohol problem. Interpreter services and language assistance are available for anyone, including those with limited English speaking ability.

Phone: 1-(800) 922-3406

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Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence

Our mission is to engage voices to create change in the prevention, intervention and response to domestic violence, dating abuse, stalking and sexual assault.

Phone: 1-(208) 384-0419

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Idaho Public Health

We serve as the region's public health leader to prevent disease, promote healthy lifestyles and protect and prepare the public against health threats.

Phone: 1-(208) 748-0400

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Idaho Physical and Nutrition Program

Through a diverse array of partnerships, IPAN focuses on strategies and practices that make healthy eating and active living the easy, default choice in Idaho communities.

Phone: 1-(208) 334-5627

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Idaho Department of Insurance

The mission of the Department of Insurance is to serve and protect Idahoans by equitably, effectively and efficiently administering the Idaho Insurance Code and the International Fire Code.

Phone: 1-(800) 721-3272

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NAMI Illinois

NAMI Illinois (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is a not-for-profit membership organization created to improve the lives of individuals and families challenged by mental illness. In collaboration with NAMI National, Illinois affiliates and other like-minded organizations, we influence public policies, provide up to date education and support programs and increase public awareness and understanding of mental illness.

Phone: 1-(217) 522-1403

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Division of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse

The Department of Human Services supports and offers treatment services for alcoholism and addiction through an extensive treatment provider network throughout the State of Illinois.

Phone: 1-(800) 843-6154

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Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence

ICADV builds networks of support for and with survivors and advances statewide policies and practices that transform societal attitudes and institutions to eliminate and prevent domestic abuse.

Phone: 1-(217) 789-2830

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Illinois Alliance to Prevent Obesity

IAPO is a multi-sector coalition that works for equitable and just opportunities for Illinoisans to eat healthy and be physically active to optimize their health and well-being.

Phone: 1-(312) 850-4744

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Illinois Department of Insurance

The mission of the Department of Insurance is to protect consumers by providing assistance and information, by efficiently regulating the insurance industry's market behavior and financial solvency and by fostering a competitive insurance marketplace.

Phone: 1-(312) 814-2420

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NAMI Indiana

NAMI Indiana facilitates education, support and advocacy programs to improve the quality of life for people living with serious mental illnesses, their families, and their friends.

Phone: 1-(317) 925-9399

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Division of Mental Health and Addiction

The Division of Mental Health and Addiction certifies all addiction treatment providers in the state of Indiana. Find addiction treatment in Indiana.

Phone: 1-(800) 662-4357

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Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence

ICADV works for the prevention and elimination of domestic violence until the violence ends.

Phone: 1-(317) 917-3685

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Indiana State Department of Health

The Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity (DNPA) provides statewide leadership for healthy eating and active living strategies that works to reduce the burden of being overweight, obesity and related chronic diseases.

Phone: 1-(317) 234-3580

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Indiana Department of Insurance

The purpose of the Indiana Department of Insurance is to protect Hoosiers as they purchase and use insurance products to keep their assets and their families protected from loss or harm.

Phone: 1-(317) 232-2385

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Dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with mental illness and their families through support, education, and advocacy.

Phone: 1-(515) 254-0417

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Your Life Iowa

You can get help for alcohol, drug and gambling problems, suicidal thoughts and more from experts dedicated to the health of Iowans.

Phone: 1-(855) 581-8111

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Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence seeks to engage all people in a movement to change the social and political systems that perpetuate violence. We do this through education, advocacy and quality services.

Phone: 1-(515) 244-8028

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Iowa Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity

The Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity ensures Iowans have the opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle by providing education and resources, building partnerships and supporting communities.

Phone: 1-(800) 532-1579

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Iowa Insurance Division

The Iowa Insurance Division is the state regulator which supervises all insurance business transacted in the state of Iowa.

Phone: 1-(515) 281-5705

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NAMI Kansas

NAMI Kansas is a state-wide organization of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, a self-help membership association of individuals living with mental illness, their family members and friends, dedicated to improving the lives of those affected by mental illnesses.

Phone: 1-(800) 539-2660

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The Behavioral Health System in Kansas

The Behavioral Health System in Kansas offers an array of services for persons and communities in need of prevention, treatment and recovery services.

Phone: 1-(866) 645-8216

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Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence

Our mission is to provide leadership in preventing and responding to sexual violence through collaborating, sharing and creating resources and promoting research.

Phone: 1-(785) 232-9784

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Kansas Department of Health and Environment

Our goal is to protect and improve the health and environment of all Kansans.

Phone: 1-(785) 296-1205

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Kansas Insurance Department

The major functions of the department are to regulate and review companies for financial solvency and regulatory compliance, educate consumers, assist consumers, and license agents selling insurance products in the state.

Phone: 1-(800) 432-2484

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NAMI Kentucky

NAMI Kentucky is a state wide organization that works across a broad array of policy and advocacy issues to advocate for effective and timely treatment to help prevent suicides, violence, homelessness and incarceration.

Phone: 1-(606) 677-4066

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Adult Substance Abuse Treatment and Recovery Services Branch

The Adult Substance Abuse Treatment and Recovery Services Branch is composed of several special initiatives and programs, including KIDS NOW Plus, Medication Assisted Treatment, Oxford Houses, military and Driving Under the Influence (DUI) services.

Phone: 1-(502) 564-4456

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Kentucky Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The Kentucky Coalition Against Domestic Violence mobilizes and supports member programs and allies to end intimate partner violence.

Phone: 1-(502) 209-5382

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Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services

The Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) is home to most of the state's human services and health care programs, including Medicaid, the Department for Community Based Services and the Department for Public Health.

Phone: 1-(800) 462-6122

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Partnership for a Fit Kentucky

We focus our efforts on improving access to healthy foods and physical activity, preventing obesity in early care and education settings and schools and improving overall wellness in worksites.

Phone: 1-(502) 564-9358

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Kentucky Department of Insurance

We promote sound, competitive insurance markets, protect the public through effective enforcement and regulations and empower the public through outreach and education.

Phone: 1-(800) 595-6053

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NAMI Louisiana

NAMI Louisiana is dedicated to eradicating the stigma, myths and misconceptions of mental illnesses, to improving the quality of life for all who are affected by these illnesses and to supporting recovery.

Phone: 1-(225) 291-6262

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Office of Behavioral Health

The Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) manages and delivers the services and supports necessary to improve the quality of life for citizens with mental illness and addictive disorders.

Phone: 1-(225) 342-9500

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Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Our goal is to eliminate domestic violence through public education, systems change, social change and public policy, and to promote and strengthen quality comprehensive services for member programs and all individuals affected by domestic violence.

Phone: 1-(225) 752-1296

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Louisiana Department of Health

The Louisiana Department of Health protects and promotes health and ensures access to medical, preventive and rehabilitative services for all citizens of the State of Louisiana.

Phone: 1-(225) 342-9500

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Louisiana Department of Insurance

The Louisiana Department of Insurance (LDI) works diligently to balance the needs of insurance consumers with the insurance industry's need to run a competitive business.

Phone: 1-(800) 259-5300

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NAMI Maine

Through support, education and advocacy, NAMI Maine is dedicated to building better lives for the one in four Mainers who are affected by mental illness.

Phone: 1-(207) 622-5767

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Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services

The Maine Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services is the single state administrative authority responsible for the planning, development, implementation, regulation and evaluation of substance abuse and mental health.

Phone: 1-(207) 287-2595

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Maine Coalition To End Domestic Violence

MCEDV builds partnerships that promote public policy, education and systems advocacy to create and encourage a social, political and economic environment that fosters communities where the diversity, dignity and contributions of all are respected and celebrated, and domestic abuse and violence no longer exist.

Phone: 1-(207) 430-8334

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Maine Division of Disease Prevention

We work with partners across the state to promote changes that make active living and healthy eating the easy choice.

Phone: 1-(207) 287-7108

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Maine Bureau of Insurance

The Maine Bureau of Insurance regulates the insurance industry to protect and to serve the public.

Phone: 1-(207) 624-8475

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NAMI Maryland

NAMI Maryland provides educational resources and events, statewide outreach, advocacy and affiliate organizational support.

Phone: 1-(410) 884-8691

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Behavioral Health Administration

The BHA will, through publicly-funded services and support, promote recovery, resiliency, health and wellness for individuals who have or are at risk for emotional, substance related, addictive and/or psychiatric disorders.

Phone: 1-(877) 463-3464

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Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence

MNADV is the state domestic violence coalition whose common purpose is reducing intimate partner and family violence and its harmful effects on our citizens.

Phone: 1-(301) 429-3601

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Maryland Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Our mission is to empower members to be Maryland's food and nutrition leaders. Our vision is to optimize the health and well-being of Marylanders through food and nutrition.

Phone: 1-(410) 929-0764

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Maryland Insurance Administration

The agency's goal is to provide efficient, effective service to both the consumers of insurance products and the insurance industry.

Phone: 1-(800) 492-6116

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NAMI Massachusetts

The mission of NAMI Massachusetts is to improve the quality of life both for people with mental illnesses and for their families.

Phone: 1-(617) 580-8541

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Bureau of Substance Addiction Services

BSAS oversees the statewide system of prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery support services for individuals, families and communities affected by gambling and substance addiction.

Phone: 1-(617) 624-5111

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Jane Doe, Inc./Massachusetts Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence

Jane Doe Inc. (JDI) is a statewide membership coalition, an advocacy organization, a catalyst for change and so much more. Offering unparalleled leadership in Massachusetts, we are changing the way society views and reacts to sexual and domestic violence in ways that make our communities safer today and for future generations.

Phone: 1-(617) 248-0922

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Massachusetts Health and Human Services

These agencies provide education and outreach to communities within their region and can respond to specific requests from members of the community for workshops, materials or training.

Phone: 1-(617) 573-1600

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MassOptions Food and Nutrition Programs

Food and Nutrition programs and services promote access to food and proper nutrition through home-delivered meals, nutritional counseling and financial assistance for food shopping.

Phone: 1-(844) 422-6277

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Massachusetts Division of Insurance

The primary mission of the Division of Insurance is to monitor the solvency of its licensees in order to promote a healthy, responsive and willing marketplace for consumers who purchase insurance products.

Phone: 1-(617) 521-7794

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NAMI Michigan

NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to improving the lives of persons living with serious mental illness and their families. Founded in 1979, NAMI has become the nation's voice on mental illness, a nationwide organization with affiliates in every state and in more than 1,100 local communities across the country.

Phone: 1-(517) 485-4049

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Office of Recovery Oriented Systems of Care

The OROSC focuses on the delivery of specialty behavioral health services including prevention, treatment and recovery efforts across the lifespan of individuals and families.

Phone: 1-(517) 335-2300

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Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence

We are dedicated to the empowerment of all the state's survivors of domestic and sexual violence, and we are developing and promoting efforts aimed at the elimination of all domestic and sexual violence in Michigan.

Phone: 1-(517) 347-7000

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Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) aims to prevent and control obesity and other chronic diseases by promoting healthful eating and physical activity and supporting policies and environmental strategies that support healthy behaviors.

Phone: 1-(517) 373-3740

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Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services

Through adaptability and consumer communication, the staff members of the Department of Insurance and Financial Services strive to be the preeminent financial service regulators in the United States.

Phone: 1-(877) 999-6442

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NAMI Minnesota

NAMI Minnesota vigorously promotes the development of community mental health programs and services, improved access to services, increased opportunities for recovery, reduced stigma and discrimination and increased public understanding of mental illness.

Phone: 1-(888) 626-4435

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Behavioral Health Division

The Behavioral Health Division of the Minnesota Department of Human Services is the state authority overseeing substance abuse prevention and treatment.

Phone: 1-(651) 431-2460

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Minnesota Coalition For Battered Women

The mission of the Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women is to provide a voice for battered women and member programs, challenge systems and institutions so they respond more effectively to the needs of battered women and their children, promote social change and support, educate and connect member programs.

Phone: 1-(651) 646-6177

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Minnesota Department of Health

MDH and its public health and community partners work to increase access to and the selection of healthy foods to improve health and reduce chronic diseases for all by implementing community-based healthy eating strategies.

Phone: 1-(651) 201-5000

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Minnesota Commerce Department

Our mission is to protect the public interest, advocate for Minnesota consumers, ensure a strong, competitive and fair marketplace, strengthen the state's economic future and serve as a trusted public resource for insurance consumers and businesses.

Phone: 1-(651) 539-1742

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NAMI Mississippi

NAMI Mississippi is made up of family members, peers, behavioral health professionals and friends working to accomplish our mission through mutual support, education, advocacy and research.

Phone: 1-(800) 357-0388

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Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Services

The Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Services is responsible for establishing, maintaining, monitoring and evaluating a statewide system of alcohol and drug use services, including prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.

Phone: 1-(877) 210-8513

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Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The mission of Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence is to bring about social change through advocacy, technical assistance and public awareness.

Phone: 1-(601) 981-9196

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Mississippi State Department of Health

Mississippi's State Board of Health was established in 1877 to protect and advance health throughout Mississippi and became the Mississippi State Department of Health in 1982.

Phone: 1-(601) 576-7400

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Mississippi Insurance Department

Our aim is to create the highest degree of economic security, quality of life, public safety and fire protection for the state's citizens at the lowest possible cost.

Phone: 1-(800) 562-2957

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NAMI Missouri

NAMI Missouri is committed to advocating at the local, state and national levels for non-discriminatory access to quality healthcare, housing , education and employment for people with mental illness.

Phone: 1-(573) 634-7727

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Division of Behavioral Health

The Division of Behavioral Health is responsible for assuring the availability of substance use prevention, treatment and recovery support services for the State of Missouri.

Phone: 1-(800) 575-7480

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Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence

The Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (MCADSV) unites Missourians with a shared value that rape and abuse must end, and advances this through education, alliance, research and public policy.

Phone: 1-(573) 634-4161

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Missouri Department of Insurance

Through the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), U.S. insurance regulators establish national standards and best practices, conduct peer reviews and coordinate their regulatory oversight to better protect the interests of consumers while ensuring a strong, viable insurance marketplace.

Phone: 1-(573) 751-4126

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NAMI Montana

NAMI Montana supports, educates and advocates for Montanans with mental illnesses and their families.

Phone: 1-(406) 443-7871

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Addictive and Mental Disorders Division

The mission of the AMDD is to implement and improve an appropriate statewide system of prevention, treatment, care and rehabilitation for Montanans with mental disorders or addictions to drugs or alcohol.

Phone: 1-(406) 444-3964

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Montana Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence

Incorporated in 1986, the Montana Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (MCADSV) is a statewide coalition of individuals and organizations working together to end domestic and sexual violence through advocacy, public education, public policy and program development.

Phone: 1-(406) 443-7794

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Montana Nutrition and Physical Activity Program

The Montana Nutrition and Physical Activity (NAPA) Program's mission is to make active living and healthy eating easier everywhere Montanans live, work, learn and play.

Phone: 1-(406) 444-5622

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Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance

The Office of the Montana State Auditor, Commissioner of Securities and Insurance (CSI) is a criminal justice agency that protects Montana's consumers by ensuring fairness, transparency and access for Montanans in two of Montana's largest industries of securities and insurance.

Phone: 1-(800) 332-6148

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NAMI Nebraska

NAMI Nebraska provides statewide support to families and friends of individuals with mental illness.

Phone: 1-(402) 345-8101

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Division of Behavioral Health

The Division of Behavioral Health directs the administration and coordination of the public behavioral health system to address prevention and treatment of mental health and substance use disorders.

Phone: 1-(402) 471-3121

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Nebraska Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence

The Nebraska Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence enhances safety and justice by changing the beliefs that perpetuate domestic violence and sexual assault.

Phone: 1-(877) 215-0167

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Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services

The Nutrition and Activity for Health (NAFH) Prevention Works Program coordinates statewide efforts aimed to improve nutrition and physical activity behaviors of all Nebraskans.

Phone: 1-(402) 471-2101

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Nebraska Department of Insurance

Our goal is to safeguard those affected by the business of insurance through the fulfillment of our statutory obligations and by promoting the fair and just treatment of all parties to insurance transactions.

Phone: 1-(402) 471-2201

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NAMI Nevada

NAMI Nevada is the state organization that coordinates regional affiliates to educate, advocate for and support individuals and families living with mental illness.

Phone: 1-(775) 470-5600

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Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency

The Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency (SAPTA) administers programs and activities that provide community-based prevention and treatment.

Phone: 1-(775) 784-8090

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Nevada Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence

Our mission is to be a statewide voice advocating for the prevention and elimination of domestic and sexual violence through partnering with communities.

Phone: 1-(775) 828-1115

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Nevada Division of Insurance

To protect the rights of Nevada consumers in their experiences with the insurance industry and to ensure the financial solvency of insurers.

Phone: 1-(775) 687-0700

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NAMI New Hampshire

Comprised of a network of affiliate chapters and support groups, staff and volunteers, NAMI NH provides information, education and support to all families and communities affected by mental illness.

Phone: 1-(603) 225-5359

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Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services

The BDAS mission is to join individuals, families and communities in reducing alcohol and other drug problems, thereby increasing opportunities for citizens to achieve health and independence.

Phone: 1-(603) 271-6738

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New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence

We create safe and just communities through advocacy, prevention and empowerment of anyone affected by sexual violence, domestic violence and stalking.

Phone: 1-(603) 224-8893

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New Hampshire Obesity Prevention Program

The goal of the Obesity Prevention Program is to prevent and control obesity and other chronic diseases through the promotion and adoption of policies to increase healthy eating and physical activity in a variety of settings.

Phone: 1-(844) 275-3447

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New Hampshire Insurance Department

The mission of the New Hampshire Insurance Department is to promote and protect the public good by ensuring the existence of a safe and competitive insurance marketplace through the development and enforcement of the insurance laws of the State of New Hampshire.

Phone: 1-(603) 271-2261

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NAMI New Jersey

We are dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness.

Phone: 1-(732) 940-0991

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Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services

Treatment services in New Jersey range from detoxification services and outpatient care to short- and long-term residential treatment.

Phone: 1-(844) 276-2777

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New Jersey Coalition for Battered Women

We are a statewide association that provides leadership, support and resources on the prevention of domestic violence in New Jersey through advocacy, education and training, technical assistance and community awareness.

Phone: 1-(609) 584-8107

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State of New Jersey Department of Health

The New Jersey Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (NJCPFS) promotes public awareness of the importance of and opportunities for physical fitness and sports activities to achieve healthier lifestyles.

Phone: 1-(609) 292-2209

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New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance

The mission of the Department of Banking and Insurance is to regulate the banking, insurance and real estate industries in a professional and timely manner that protects and educates consumers and promotes the growth, financial stability and efficiency of those industries.

Phone: 1-(800) 446-7467

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NAMI New Mexico

NAMI-New Mexico is an effective mental health organization dedicated to empowering and enlightening New Mexico's diverse population through advocacy, education and support.

Phone: 1-(505) 260-0154

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Network of Care for Behavioral Health

Network of Care helps you find what you need and helps ensure that there is "No Wrong Door" for those who need services.

Phone: 1-(855) 662-7474

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New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NMCADV) works to achieve a coordinated local, regional and statewide response to domestic violence through a collaborative network of member programs that consist of domestic violence service providers and other allied organizations and individuals.

Phone: 1-(505) 246-9240

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New Mexico Department of Health

Our mission is to promote health and wellness, improve health outcomes and assure safety net services for all people in New Mexico.

Phone: 1-(505) 476-8882

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Healthy Kids New Mexico

Healthy Kids New Mexico creates healthy environments and programs to give kids what they need to play well, eat well, learn well and live healthy and full lives.

Phone: 1-(505) 476-7623

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New Mexico Office of Superintendent of Insurance (OSI)

The mission of the OSI is to provide consumers with convenient access to reliable insurance products which are underwritten by dependable and financially sound companies.

Phone: 1-(855) 427-5674

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NAMI New York State

NAMI New York State provides support and education for individuals, family and friends living with mental illness.

Phone: 1-(518) 462-2000

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Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services

OASAS oversees one of the nation's largest addiction services systems with approximately 1,600 prevention, treatment and recovery programs.

Phone: 1-(518) 473-3460

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New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NYSCADV) provides training, support, technical assistance and advocacy to local direct service domestic violence programs across New York State.

Phone: 1-(800) 942-6908

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New York State Department of Health

The New York State Department of Health funds 48 agencies in more than 170 sites that provide accessible, confidential reproductive health care services to women, men and adolescents, especially low-income individuals and those without health insurance. In many cases, services are provided at no charge.

Phone: 1-(800) 522-5006

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New York Department of Health

The Division of Nutrition serves low-income pregnant women, breastfeeding and new mothers, infants, preschool children, school-age children who live in high-risk areas, people in need of emergency food assistance, adults at risk for chronic disease, persons with AIDS, the frail elderly, children up to age 18 and functionally impaired adults in day care.

Phone: 1-(212) 417-4200

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NAMI North Carolina

The mission of NAMI North Carolina is to provide support, education, advocacy and public awareness so that all affected by mental illness can build better lives.

Phone: 1-(919) 788-0801

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Department of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse

Substance Use Disorder services help to prevent misuse of alcohol and other drugs and to help people with substance use disorders get the treatment they need to live a life in recovery.

Phone: 1-(919) 855-4800

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North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCCADV) leads the state's movement to end domestic violence (DV) and to enhance work with survivors.

Phone: 1-(919) 956-9124

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Eat Smart, Move More NC

Our goal is to reverse the rising tide of obesity and chronic disease among North Carolinians by helping them to eat smart, move more and achieve a healthy weight.

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North Carolina Department of Insurance

The Department of Insurance has trained experts who can answer questions about health, life, Medicare, homeowners, auto, disability, long-term care, dental, vision and other types of insurance coverage.

Phone: 1-(855) 408-1212

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NAMI North Dakota

Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals, families and friends affected by mental illness.

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North Dakota Behavioral Health Division

The Behavioral Health Division provides leadership for the planning, development and oversight of the state's behavioral health system.

Phone: 1-(701) 328-8920

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North Dakota Council on Abused Women's Services

Our mission is to provide leadership and support in the identification, intervention and prevention of domestic and sexual violence.

Phone: 1-(701) 255-6240

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North Dakota Department of Human Services

To provide quality, efficient and effective human services, which improve the lives of people.

Phone: 1-(701) 328-2310

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North Dakota Department of Health

The Division of Family Health and Nutrition promotes healthy eating and physical activity in order to prevent and reduce overweight, obesity and related chronic diseases in North Dakota.

Phone: 1-(701) 328-2496

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North Dakota Insurance Department

We are committed to vigorous consumer protection efforts while fostering a strong, competitive marketplace that provides consumers with choices and access to high-quality insurance products and services at competitive prices.

Phone: 1-(800) 247-0560

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Ohio's largest grassroots mental health organization is dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness.

Phone: 1-(614) 224-2700

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Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

OhioMHAS supports access to treatment options that we know are effective, while also balancing efforts toward prevention and recovery supports.

Phone: 1-(877) 275-6364

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Ohio Domestic Violence Network

The Ohio Domestic Violence Network advances the principles that all people have the right to an oppression and violence free life, fosters changes in our economic, social and political systems and brings leadership, expertise and best practices to community programs.

Phone: 1-(614) 781-9651

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Ohio Department of Health

ODH's mission is to protect and improve the health of all Ohioans by preventing disease, promoting good health and assuring access to quality care.

Phone: 1-(614) 466-3543

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Ohio Department of Insurance

The mission of the Ohio Department of Insurance is to provide consumer protection through education and fair but vigilant regulation while promoting a stable and competitive environment for insurers.

Phone: 1-(800) 686-1526

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NAMI Oklahoma

NAMI Oklahoma is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals living with mental illness and their loved ones.

Phone: 1-(405) 601-8283

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Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

The Department contracts with 130 substance use disorder treatment providers, operates 3 state residential treatment facilities and is in partnerships with 4 advocacy organizations.

Phone: 1-(405) 522-3908

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Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

The mission of the Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault is to organize and mobilize member programs to prevent and eliminate sexual and domestic violence and stalking in the State of Oklahoma and in Indian Country.

Phone: 1-(405) 524-0700

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Oklahoma Nutrition Information Education Project

ONIE aims to improve the health of Oklahoma families by offering various nutrition and physical activity information and education materials throughout the state.

Phone: 1-(405) 271-2091

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Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner

Our goal is to provide Oklahomans with the resources needed to make sound decisions about the products and services offered by the entities OID regulates.

Phone: 1-(800) 522-0071

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NAMI Oregon

NAMI Oregon is the state chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. We are a statewide grassroots organization that is dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals living with mental illness, as well as their families and loved ones.

Phone: 1-(800) 343-6264

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Health Systems Division

The Health Systems Division (HSD) envisions a healthy Oregon where mental health disorders and addiction to substances and or gambling are prevented through education, early intervention and access to appropriate health care.

Phone: 1-(503) 945-5772

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Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence

The Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence promotes equity and social change in order to end violence for all communities. We seek to transform society by engaging diverse voices, supporting the self-determination of survivors and providing leadership for advocacy efforts.

Phone: 1-(503) 230-1951

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Oregon Health Authority

The state Public Health Division works with local partners across Oregon on community solutions to help increase healthy food choices and connect people to places and opportunities where they can be regularly active.

Phone: 1-(503) 947-2340

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NAMI Keystone Pennsylvania

NAMI Keystone Pennsylvania is a 501(c)(3) grassroots, nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children, adolescents, adults and families affected by mental illness through recovery-focused support, education and advocacy.

Phone: 1-(412) 366-3788

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PA Get Help Now

The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs mission is to engage, coordinate and lead the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's effort to prevent and reduce drug, alcohol and gambling addiction and abuse.

Phone: 1-(800) 662-4357

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Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence is a statewide collaborative membership organization committed to ending intimate partner violence and all forms of violence against women.

Phone: 1-(717) 545-6400

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Pennsylvania Department of Health

The Department of Health provides information and resources for Pennsylvania residents to support healthier lifestyle choices and opportunities.

Phone: 1-(717) 787-2500

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Pennsylvania Insurance Department

It is our responsibility to administer the laws of this commonwealth as they pertain to the regulation of the insurance industry in order to protect you, the insurance consumer.

Phone: 1-(877) 881-6388

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NAMI Rhode Island

The mission of NAMI Rhode Island is to educate the public about mental illness, to offer resources and support to all whose lives are touched by mental illness, to advocate at every level to ensure the rights and dignity of those with mental illness and to promote research in the science and treatment of mental illness.

Phone: 1-(401) 331-3060

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Division of Behavioral Healthcare Services

The Division of Behavioral Healthcare monitors mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment, prevention and recovery services across Rhode Island.

Phone: 1-(401) 462-3201

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Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The purpose of the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence is to eliminate domestic violence in Rhode Island. Our mission is to support and enhance the work of our member agencies and to provide leadership on the issue of domestic violence.

Phone: 1-(401) 467-9940

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State of Rhode Island Department of Health

We promote health and the prevention of chronic disease through good nutrition and physical activity throughout the life course.

Phone: 1-(401) 222-5960

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NAMI South Carolina

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals who live with mental illnesses and for their families by promoting the availability of effective services and resources, through education, support and advocacy.

Phone: 1-(800) 788-5131

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Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services

DAODAS coordinates a statewide system of local substance abuse agencies that provide prevention, treatment, and recovery services.

Phone: 1-(803) 896-5555

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South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

We work towards ending domestic and sexual violence in South Carolina and beyond through engaging individuals and communities in advocacy, collaboration and education.

Phone: 1-(803) 256-2900

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South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control

The SC Department of Health and Environmental Control works with partners across the state to address nutrition, physical activity, obesity and other chronic conditions. These efforts include direct education, lifestyle interventions and policy, systems and environmental changes.

Phone: 1-(803) 898-3432

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South Carolina Department of Insurance

The mission of the State of South Carolina Department of Insurance is to protect the insurance consumers, the public interest and the insurance marketplace by ensuring the solvency of insurers by enforcing and implementing the insurance laws of this State and by regulating the insurance industry in an efficient, courteous, responsive, fair and equitable manner.

Phone: 1-(803) 737-6160

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NAMI South Dakota

The mission of NAMI South Dakota is to provide education, support and advocacy for families and individuals affected by mental illness.

Phone: 1-(605) 271-1871

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Division of Behavioral Health

The Division of Behavioral Health accredits and contracts with addiction treatment agencies across the state to provide quality services to both adults and youth.

Phone: 1-(605) 773-3123

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South Dakota Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

The South Dakota Coalition Ending Domestic and Sexual Violence (SDCEDSV) is dedicated to the reclamation of the respected, autonomous and safe status of women who have been battered/raped and their children, and therefore is committed to the elimination of personal and societal violence in the lives of women and their children.

Phone: 1-(605) 945-0869

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Visit us often for inspiration and tips on how to live better and grow stronger.

Phone: 1-(800) 738-2301

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South Dakota Division of Insurance

The mission of the Division of Insurance is to protect the public by providing quality assistance, providing fair industry regulation, and promoting healthy and competitive insurance and investment markets in South Dakota.

Phone: 1-(605) 773-3563

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NAMI Tennessee

NAMI Tennessee is a grassroots, non-profit, self-help organization made up of people with mental illness, their families and community members. We are dedicated to improving quality of life for people with mental illness and their families through support, education and advocacy.

Phone: 1-(800) 467-3589

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Tennessee Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services

The TCDMHSAS is responsible for planning, setting policy and quality standards, system monitoring and evaluation, and advocating for persons of all ages who have mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, or substance abuse disorders.

Phone: 1-(800) 560-5767

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Tennessee Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence

The mission of the Coalition is to end domestic and sexual violence in the lives of Tennesseans and to change societal attitudes and institutions that promote and condone violence, through public policy advocacy, education and activities that increase the capacity of programs and communities to address such violence.

Phone: 1-(615) 386-9406

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The Division of Family Health and Wellness

Family Health and Wellness programs are provided in all 95 Tennessee counties through a network of local and regional health departments.

Phone: 1-(615) 741-0227

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Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance

The Department of Commerce and Insurance is committed to serving Tennesseans in the areas of community, safety and service.

Phone: 1-(615) 741-2241

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NAMI Texas

NAMI Texas has nearly 2,000 members made up of individuals living with mental illness, family members, friends and professionals. Its purpose is to help improve the lives of people affected by mental illness through education, support and advocacy.

Phone: 1-(512) 693-2000

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Texas Health and Human Services

Texas Health and Human Services offers mental health and substance use services for families and people of all ages.

Phone: 1-(877) 541-7905

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Texas Council On Family Violence

The unified voice for Texas domestic violence survivors and providers, TCFV trains, leads prevention efforts, and advocates for laws to make a difference.

Phone: 1-(512) 794-1133

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The Obesity Prevention Program

The Obesity Prevention Program strives to help Texans eat healthier by making nutritious choices the easy choice throughout Texas communities.

Phone: 1-(512) 776-7111

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Texas Department of Insurance

The Texas Department of Insurance regulates the state's insurance industry, oversees the administration of the Texas workers' compensation system, performs the duties of the State Fire Marshal's Office, and provides administrative support to the Office of Injured Employee Counsel a separate agency.

Phone: 1-(800) 578-4677

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NAMI Utah State Office

NAMI Utah's mission is to ensure the dignity and improve the lives of those who live with mental illness and their families through support, education and advocacy.

Phone: 1-(801) 323-9900

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Division of Substance Abuse & Mental Health

The DSAMH oversees the publicly funded prevention and treatment system. If you, a friend, or family member is struggling with a mental health problem or a problem with alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs, there is help available.

Phone: 1-(801) 538-3939

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Utah Domestic Violence Coalition

Utah Domestic Violence Coalition (UDVC) the nationally recognized state domestic violence coalition in Utah is committed to creating a state where domestic and sexual violence are intolerable.

Phone: 1-(801) 521-5544

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EPIIC Program

The Healthy Living through Environment, Policy and Improved Clinical Care (EPICC) program provides resources for individuals, families and communities to improve their nutrition and live an active lifestyle.

Phone: 1-(801) 538-6228

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Utah Insurance Department

The Mission of the Utah Insurance Department is to foster a healthy insurance market by promoting fair and reasonable practices that ensure available, affordable and reliable insurance products and services.

Phone: 1-(800) 439-3805

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NAMI Vermont

NAMI Vermont supports, educates and advocates so that all communities, families and individuals affected by mental illness or mental health challenges can build better lives.

Phone: 1-(800) 639-6480

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Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs

The Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs oversees a network of health promotion, prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery services. Our mission is to prevent, reduce and eliminate the problems caused by alcohol and drug use.

Phone: 1-(802) 651-1550

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Vermont Network Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

We support our Member Organizations and their work with survivors of domestic and sexual violence through policy change, training and technical assistance and large scale social change efforts.

Phone: 1-(802) 223-1302

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Vermont Department of Health

The Department of Health provides resources for individuals, families and communities to improve their nutrition and activity levels.

Phone: 1-(800) 464-4343

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Vermont Department of Financial Regulation

The mission of the Insurance Division is to maintain affordability and availability of insurance for Vermonters, ensure that insurers are able to meet their contractual obligations, to ensure reasonable and orderly competition among insurers and to protect Vermont consumers against unfair and unlawful business practices.

Phone: 1-(802) 828-3301

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NAMI Virginia

Our mission is to promote recovery and improve the quality of life of Virginians with serious mental illness through support, education and advocacy.

Phone: 1-(804) 285-8264

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Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services

In collaboration with its state and community partners, DBHDS plans, develops, directs, funds and monitors the delivery of comprehensive substance abuse services throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Phone: 1-(804) 786-3921

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Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance

As an advocacy organization, we provide the expertise needed to ensure an effective response. As a service provider, we offer people resources for making informed choices. As a membership organization, we build diverse alliances across the state.

Phone: 1-(804) 377-0335

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Virginia Department of Health

The mission of the Virginia Department of Health is to protect the health and promote the well-being of all people in Virginia.

Phone: 1-(804) 864-7730

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Virginia Bureau of Insurance

Our mission is to ensure that citizens of the Commonwealth are provided with access to adequate and reliable insurance protection; that the insurance companies selling policies are financially sound to support payment of claims; that the agents selling company policies are qualified and conduct their business according to statutory and regulatory requirements, as well as acceptable standards of conduct; and that the insurance policies are of high quality, are understandable and are fairly priced.

Phone: 1-(800) 552-7945

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NAMI Washington

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Washington provides governance, advocacy and fundraising support for the 20 NAMI affiliate offices, large and small, throughout the state. NAMI's mission is to improve the quality of life for all those affected by mental illness. We do this by providing a statewide, unifying voice of advocacy and coordinating the delivery of education, support and recovery.

Phone: 1-(206) 783-4288

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Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery

DBHR funds prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery support services.

Phone: 1-(866) 789-1511

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Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence

WSCADV is a resource for programs that assist domestic violence victims and their families. We inform prevention and education organizations, government agencies, the media and others concerned with domestic violence.

Phone: 1-(360) 586-1022

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Washington Department of Health

The Department of Health is working with communities, schools, employers and healthcare providers to make changes that will make it easier for us to make healthy choices in our daily lives.

Phone: 1-(360) 236-3665

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Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner

The Washington state Office of the Insurance Commissioner protects insurance consumers and oversees the insurance industry.

Phone: 1-(800) 562-6900

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The mission of NAMI DC is to support and educate family, friends, the public and persons with a diagnosis of serious mental illness, and to advocate for the development of services.

Phone: 1-(202) 546-0646

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Substance Use Disorder Assessment and Referral Center (ARC)

The Assessment and Referral Center (ARC) provides same day assessment and referral for individuals seeking treatment for substance use disorders.

Phone: 1-(888) 793-4357

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DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence

DCCADV is the federally-recognized statewide coalition of domestic violence programs, organizations and individuals organized to ensure the elimination of domestic violence in the District of Columbia.

Phone: 1-(202) 299-1181

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Department of Health

The Department of Health offers a number of programs to help DC residents to choose and get the foods they need to be healthy.

Phone: 1-(202) 442-9397

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DC Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking

The mission of the Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking is to protect consumers by providing equitable, thorough, efficient and prompt regulatory supervision of the financial services companies, firms and individuals operating in the District of Columbia.

Phone: 1-(202) 727-8000

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NAMI West Virginia

NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.

Phone: 1-(703) 524-7600

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HELP4WV offers a 24/7 call, chat and text line that provides immediate help for any West Virginian struggling with an addiction or mental health issues.

Phone: 1-(844) 435-7498

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West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence

WVCADV works to transform social, cultural and political attitudes through public awareness, policy development, community organizing, education and advocacy in ways that promote values of respect, mutuality, accountability and non-violence in local, statewide, national and global communities.

Phone: 1-(304) 965-3552

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Division of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease

The DHPCD works to create and support environments that make it easier for WV residents to choose healthy foods and to be physically active.

Phone: 1-(304) 356-4193

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West Virginia Office of the Insurance Commissioner

The mission of the Offices of the Insurance Commissioner is to promote a competitive and solvent insurance market with adequate consumer protection by fairly and consistently administering the insurance laws of West Virginia.

Phone: 1-(888) 879-9842

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NAMI Wisconsin, Inc.

The mission of NAMI Wisconsin is to improve the quality of life of people affected by mental illness and to promote recovery.

Phone: 1-(800) 236-2988

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Division of Care and Treatment Services

The Division of Care and Treatment Services (DCTS) manages and supports seven care and treatment facilities, community mental health and substance use services, community forensic treatment services and the protection of client rights for individuals receiving services for developmental disability, mental health and substance use.

Phone: 1-(608) 266-2717

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End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin: The Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence

We envision communities fully engaged to provide safety and to give a voice to all affected by domestic abuse, while creating the social change necessary to end domestic abuse.

Phone: 1-(608) 255-0539

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Wisconsin Department of Health Services

This page is provided for consumers looking for nutrition, physical activity and obesity prevention resources that they can use to improve their health.

Phone: 1-(608) 267-3694

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Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance

OCI's mission is to lead the way in informing and protecting the public and responding to its insurance needs.

Phone: 1-(608) 266-3585

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NAMI Wyoming

NAMI Wyoming provides a variety of services to educate and support individuals, family and caregivers whose lives are affected by mental illness.

Phone: 1-(307) 265-2573

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Wyoming Department of Health

This section oversees programs and grants for communities to provide outpatient and regional mental health and substance use treatment services and supports, including court supervised treatment programs, that are accessible, affordable and provided in the least restrictive and most appropriate environment.

Phone: 1-(800) 535-4006

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Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Through a collective voice, the Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault is committed to provide leadership, education and systems advocacy to advance social change and end violence.

Phone: 1-(307) 755-5481

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Wyoming Department of Health

The Department of Health offers nutrition resources, education and nutritious meal delivery to qualified Wyoming residents.

Phone: 1-(800) 442-2766

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Wyoming Department of Insurance

The mission of this agency is to enforce the insurance laws and regulations of the State impartially, honestly and expeditiously; to serve the consumer of insurance; to encourage a healthy insurance marketplace and to promote change to better serve the public interest.

Phone: 1-(800) 438-5768

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