Find Wellcare Dental Providers Near You
- Find Wellcare dental providers near you and learn what dentist services may be covered. If you have Wellcare insurance, using an in-network dentist could help you save money.

Wellcare Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) plans can cover dental care in some areas.
Below is a look at finding Wellcare dental providers, including how you can find a dentist near you that may accept your Wellcare plan.
How Can I Find Wellcare Dental Providers?
There are several ways to do a Wellcare provider search.
- Select your state on the Wellcare dental provider search. You will be prompted to enter your zip code and select your plan type. Finally, you’ll be asked to select a search radius for your results and can type in a keyword or search by specialty. Choose “specialty,” and then “dentistry.” Click “Go to Results.”
You will then be shown a list of Wellcare dental providers within your search area that includes their name, address and phone number. Clicking on the name of the provider takes you to a page with more detailed information such as office hours, languages spoken and more.
If you wish to compare Wellcare dental providers, click the “Compare” button next to the providers you wish to compare. - Select your state from the drop-down “select your state” menu.
Do Wellcare Dental Providers Belong To A Network?
Depending on the type of plan you belong to, your Wellcare Medicare dental coverage may be restricted to a network of participating dentists.
HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) plans require members to visit health care providers within the Wellcare network. PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) plans allow members to seek dental care outside of the Wellcare network and still receive at least some coverage in most cases.
Does Wellcare Pay For Dentures?
Wellcare Medicare Advantage plans that include dental benefits may help provide coverage for dentures and other advanced procedures in addition to routine dental care.
The types of dental services that may be covered with a Wellcare Medicare Advantage plan may include:
- Exams
- Cleanings
- X-rays
- Fillings
- Fluoride treatments
- Dentures
- Bridges and crowns
- Root canals
Dental benefits with a Wellcare Medicare Advantage plan may come in the form of traditional insurance coverage or with the use of a pre-loaded debit card. This type of card, sometimes referred to a Medicare flex card, is called the Wellcare Spendables card.
What Type Of Insurance Is Wellcare?
Wellcare is a brand that sells two types of Medicare plans.
- The first is Medicare Advantage, which provides all the same benefits as Original Medicare (Medicare Part A and Part B) and sometimes also offering some additional coverage not found in Original Medicare. Dental coverage is among the additional benefits that can be offered by Medicare Advantage plans, including those sold by Wellcare.
- The second type of Medicare insurance sold by Wellcare is Medicare Part D. Part D plans provide coverage for prescription medications, which is a benefit area not covered by Original Medicare.
What’s The Difference Between Wellcare And Medicare?
Medicare exists as both public and private insurance plans. There is publicly funded Medicare for which most adults over the age of 65 are qualified. This segment of Medicare is called Original Medicare.
There is then a private sector of Medicare, where insurance companies like Wellcare sell plans that supplement or replace Original Medicare.
How Good Is Wellcare?
Wellcare sells Medicare Advantage plans in 32 states and has more than 1.2 million active members. is owned and operated by Tranzact, the parent company of TZ Insurance Solutions LLC, which is the owner/operator of and other websites mentioned on HelpAdvisor and which has a financial relationship with some of the carriers listed on HelpAdvisor. This may influence which products we write about, but HelpAdvisor maintains editorial independence, and our opinions and evaluations are our own.